The marginal labor income tax rate series constructed in Chapter 3 of The Redistribution Recession for the average marginal worker are available in an excel file hosted by as an appendix to NBER working paper no. 18088. The same excel file provides backup for MTR-related quantitative statements appearing in Chapter 3 (see the "Ch3TextBackup" tab).
After the book was finished, I used the Chapter 3 framework and policy parameters to prepare 10 separate marginal tax rate series by demographic groups distinguished in terms of skill and marital status that economists might want to consider for cross-section and longitudinal analysis. My forthcoming paper in Tax Policy and the Economy presents the methodology and results. is hosting an excel file with those 10 series.
I have also updated Chapter 3's marginal tax rate series through December 2016, with special attention to the Affordable Care Act. The same methodology is applied to the state of Massachusetts after their "Romneycare' health reform. is hosting excel files with those updates and extensions.